The newly famous octuplets entered this world with much critic about their mother. People may think it is a blessing to have 8 children but what if your a single mom with no job no career and 3 kids. This recently famous mother explains her story throughout all the world. Fox news showed an interview where she spoke about her dream of having a big family. Many people have attacked her like all other celebrities saying she's an irresponsible and selfish mother who puts her needs first. Just like a celebrity her personal information was dug into and little by little rumors where being brought up. For instance there are claims that she had plastic surgery to inflate her lips to look like Angelina Jolie which she denies completely. At the moment the mother believes that she is capable of taking care the kids and she will need government assistant but shes not the only one in the world using tax payers money therefore why do they judge her for that. Another student in the class speaks about the mother in a very negative way the link is below.
In my opinion, yes she might have been selfish having such a large family without being financial stable but thats her choice. I believe the media should leave her alone and let her live her life shes just another single mother who needs financial help to help with her 14 children. JUST LET HER BE AND STOP MAKING A BIG DEAL!!!!
images taken from flickr.
I did not even know this story< this is crazy. i do believe she's an irresponsible and selfish mother who puts her needs first.but i dont think they should make a big deal about it. if she wants to have a big family let her. Media is always adding things that are not there. insted of them attacking her about using tax payers money, they should attack all of the people doing the same thing. im tired of paying for their kids.