Thursday, March 5, 2009


Aren't we all important? How many of us can say they lost a friend, family member, neighbor or just heard of someone who is going through heart surgery? Why is it not publicized for the world to know in magazines? Why don’t we get special treatment like that? Doesn’t anyone think this is unfair? These are questions that people do not think about when they read articles about celebrities. People don’t see this as a social issue but it is. Socially our world revolves around celebrities. Why? They are human just like us so why should they receive special treatment.

Robin Williams has been all over the news because he is in the hospital and as
People explain, he is about “to undergo surgery for an aortic valve replacement." This is terrible and I do like Robin Williams but why all the publicity. I have seen many people go through heart surgeries and many other surgeries that are more serious than this and it has not been publicized. He has recently been on tour and had to cancel it do to his surgery and the fans are understanding that it’s a life and death situation but I still cant grasp the fact that people make such a big deal over celebrities.

In my analysis, celebrities are just human but people treat them like they are some type of higher power and our society needs to realize that they are nothing but human beings who entertain.
image taken from flickr.

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