Friday, March 27, 2009

Should he be punished?? NO!!

Any man who ever abuses a women should have to face consequences and should no that not one person out there supports him. As you have read in my previous blogs, Chris Brown has admitted to beating up Rihanna and is being charged but will that do justice? Many teenage girls follow Chris Brown and are his biggest fans. What has this taught them? Some may think that it has shown them how wrong abuse is and how a man should treat their women. Well, many teenagers have believed the total opposite of what may be right from wrong.

If you tell anyone the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation without using any names, they will surely tell you that Rihanna was a victim in the situation, leaving Chris to be the abuser.(image from here) Unfortunately, in today’s society the social status and fame of a celebrity can manipulate many fans to say that Chris Brown was the victim and Rihanna is lying. What is our world coming to when a smart young girl says that because she is a fan of Chris Brown?

In an article from the New York Times called “Teenage Girls Stand by Their Man,” teens in a high school are standing by the abuser saying that the tabloids were making it up and even going as far as saying that Rihanna probably gave him a reason to overreact like that. That was shocking to me, I could not believe that girls who were going to school and educated in how a man should treat them will defend him and blame Rihanna herself. As I kept reading the article, I was flabbergasted at what some girls said when the newspaper asked them “Should he be punished?” The girls replied with no because he probably wouldn’t do it again. I was shocked at their answer. This article gives a great example of how celebrities influence their fans everywhere. Girls everywhere need to see that whether someone is famous or not, every man should have respect for their significant other and there is no IF’S AND’S OR BUT’S ABOUT IT! In a letter called, Open Letter to Chris Brown, the writer explains how important it is for a women to realize how much they are worth and he directs attention to Chris Brown telling him ways that will help this incident never occur again. Take a look maybe his words will move you! (image taken from here)

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