Thursday, March 19, 2009


Facebook and Myspace watch out because theirs a new social network that’s taking over. Twitter a new networking page like the other two but just a newer updated version seems to be taking society as fast as facebook and myspace did. Everyone from Barack Obama to Britney Spears to many other celebrities are on Twitter
chatting away. Bloggers Blog offers a Celebrity Twitter List that ranges from presidents to ex-presidents to actors and singers. As BBC News explains, “Twitter is a micro-blogging site where people post short messages online using up to 140 characters,” which is one of the reasons celebrities like it so much, but what does this say to the world? If celebrities are doing it, it must be the hottest thing so everyone is going to get a Twitter. (image from here)

What do I think of this? Celebrities definately help keep the trend and definately advertise the sites, but to me, its no surprise that there is another social network out there, in about a year there would probably be another one. The fact that we have so many social networks is a good thing for me. I believe it helps people stay in touch with each other and updated with everyone’s doing. Some people might use this negatively and that’s were we have our problems. People may get addicted or even cyperbullies can arise. The way that the internet was being abused was shown in this video
"Growing Up Online" which I blogged about previously. This is were society needs to step up and teach kids the risks of using the internet and being on these kinds of websites. Therefore, as long as you do not make these sites your main priority in life there is no harm in them. What is a society without many to many socializing?

<---- This picture represents some of the social sites out there and the title basically explains how all these sites are a tool that helps people connect socially.


  1. Interesting post ~ we're going to talk about Twitter after the break. I don't follow Britney, but I do follow "THE_REAL_SHAQ" (Shaquille O'Neal) on Twitter. He's funny.

  2. Yes, I found it very interesting to see so many celebrities on different social networks. They seem to have a problem with the media but then they let many people read their daily updates. Very interesting!!!
